Friday, October 30, 2009

After Prayer

clay and i read this the other night and it weighed heavy on me so i wanted to share comes from a book called the valley of vision; its a plethora of puritan prayers....which could either sounds totally uninteresting to you or fascinating....

either way there is a beauty to how they write...

O God of Grace,

I bewail my cold, listless, heartless prayers;
their poverty adds sin to sin.
If my hope were in them I should be undone,
But the worth of Jesus perfumes my feeble
breathings, and wins their acceptance.

Deepen my contrition of heart,
Confirm my faith in the blood that washes
from all sin.

May I walk lovingly with my great Redeemer.
Flood my soul with true repentance
that my heart may be broken for sin and unto sin.
Let me be as slow to forgive myself
as thou art ready to forgive me.

Gazing on the glories of thy grace
may I be cast into the lowest depths of shame,
and walk with downcast head
now thou art pacified towards me.

O my great high Priest,
pour down upon me streams of needful grace,
bless me in all my undertakings,
in every thought of my mind,
every word of my lips,
every step of my feet,
every deed of my hands.

Thou didst live to bless,
die to bless,
rise to bless,
ascend to bless
take thy throne to bless
and now thou dost reign to bless.

O give sincerity to my desires,
earnestness to my supplications,
fervour to my love.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


yes this is an owl on a pendant. i enjoy owls mucho and it has nothing to do with my sorority affiliation, as some may think, clay. (well sort of ;) ) this is one of the many things i have my eye on at modcloth. modcloth is an indie online boutique that sells vintage and one of a kind clothing. they have fantastic taste and incredible clothes/shoes/accessories...

they also have great one of a kind names for their clothing...such as "bonnie lass skirt"

cupcake frosting skirt

this dress is awesome

"the careerist dress"

"lily bart blouse"

one of my favorites....."where the red fern bows"

yes yes yes.... the other bow-lyn girl

and then they have boots..............

did i mention they are having a huge sale right now? um, yes you need to hit that up!

p.s. they have much more than bows and the color red to check out...despite the evidence that my eyes were most attracted to

Friday, October 23, 2009

mad men

i have watched several of these episodes. can't say that the plot or the characters have hooked me yet. i'm not sure what's wrong with me but apparently i am the only one who is not completely sold on it. however, the set and the costumes are, now that is something i can't get enough of!

i mean look at these ladies...not on set but totally dressed up as their characters. the dresses the shoes all of it is great

fancy fancy fancy

i want to wear red lipstick, and have a perfect curl in my hair as such

maybe i will work in an office at some point. if i do i hope to wear each one of these outfits...

there is nothing that makes me want to go to the 60's except their clothes. {potentially their decor too}

i love the red and each dress

if only i wore more compliment my polka dots

since i guess this show is about men, i guess i have to include them too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

puppies on furniture

{or next to furniture}
tired lily

i was looking on design to inspires blog....and they do a regular feature of animals on furniture. being a sophie owner i was drawn to the i wanted to share some, and a few of my own/friends puppies....

to begin with we have hootie benjamin paup, he often enjoys a romp through tall grass and tries to have robbie jane's attention at all times.....

this one is for kitty :)

can you find the puppy here? she is quite the clever one

the coolest pug around, leroy.....this picture says it all

oh look who it is? how precious is she? i know i know i am a little biased, but look at those eyes, who could resist?

clay's dream

always keeps on eye on things

this looks like Lu's sister

i love different colored eyes

this makes me want to have more dogs and pretty furniture

most images were found at

Friday, October 9, 2009


chicago is hands down my favorite city. i must admit i believe that i have only been there when the weather is perfect, which means somewhere in the 3-4 months of the year when its not super cold. i'm from texas, i can't do soooo much cold. even though there was a time when i was doing all i could to move up there. anyway, i believe that this time of year falls into those 3-4 months of perfection in this beautiful city.

the crisp air, the leaves changing.....i think it could be pretty marvelous to take stroll around the city, by lake Michigan. with a good jacket of course.

i am planning/dreaming of a little vaca i would love to go on with my husband. {who believe it or not has never been to chicago!} we walk everywhere and take the el any other time. not dealing with these parking headaches. if we were to go this month it would be the perfect time for so may things.....

for example wilco is playing two concerts in the city this month.....perfect chance to see them in all their glory and their hometown....

what would fall be like with out some football? don't get me wrong, i am no stats keeping, intense, screaming fan....unlike other chicagoans {or dallas people for that matter} i just like having it on the background glancing occasionally. or in the case we were in chicago, going to solider field and eating up the glory that the chicago bears are {who are 3-1! OK so i know some things}

lastly clay and i would accomplish our {my} dream of running the chicago marathon. we would really get to see a good chunk of chicago nice and slow. this would be incredible.

and please don't think i forgot the shopping, the museums, the shows, navy pier, the jelly bean, millennium park and Michigan ave {as well as Wrigley field, but its not really baseball season here in chicago during the fall unless the cubs are in the playoffs!}....that's just for another day dream............

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


such a fan of twilight...carly and i are absolutely going to the first showing when "new moon" is released. {nov 20th} can not wait!

they just released the soundtrack for it on friday and i think i may have to get it....

Death Cab For Cutie - "Meet Me On The Equinox"
Band Of Skulls - "Friends"
Thom Yorke- "Hering Damage"
Lykke Li - "Possibility"
The Killers - "A White Demon Love Song"
Anya Marina - "Satellite Heart"
Muse - "I Belong To You (New Moon Remix)"
Bon Iver and St. Vincent - "Rosyln"
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - "Done All Wrong"
Hurricane Bells - "Monsters"
Sea Wolf - "The Violet Hour"
Ok Go- "Shooting The Moon"
Grizzly Bear - "Slow Life"
Editors - "No Sound But The Wind"
Alexandre Desplat - "New Moon (The Meadow)"


things i got today......

1. 2 yards of burlap

2. pumpkin spice candle

3. large diet coke from sonic during happy hour

4. cinnamon candle

5. goo-gone

6. 5 small pumpkins

ok fall i'm ready!

Saturday, October 3, 2009


he can be soooooo good sometimes.....

if i ever had the need for an office that was on the larger end in size, this would be how i would decorate could be a little "too" busy but it works for me

i would paint this magazine rack gray or yellow or white...ohhhh maybe white

i think i would also paint this rocking chair....its not my favorite but i enjoy rocking chairs, it would be a great place to think

this chair above at my desk with a cushion in it and this huge giant below as a way to pretend i can be organized.