Tuesday, September 15, 2009


tonight is the season premiere of the biggest loser!!!! clay and i are so excited! we have become so into this show. it is so inspirational, i mean have you seen the previews? i can't stop tearing up every time i see it. so just some things to look forward to for me:

dan is back! remember he was the heaviest kid ever on the show? and his partner well, pretty much screwed him over. this kid tried so hard last season, it was so sad to watch. i'm so glad he is back to try again.
to be honest, although i know she has does really well and most of her trainees have actually won the TBL...jillian drives me crazy. her incessant yelling and breaking people down, i am not a fan of. i understand her goal in it all but sometimes i think its does more harm than good.

then there is bob. he is so great! he is usually the one who gets a little more creative and thinks outside the box. not to mention i like the way he talks to people....like they have feelings and that them as people inside and out are changing.

then there is allison sweeney. who i have to say is one of the most awkward hosts i have ever watched on a show that is pre-recorded. i mean when she is live its horrendous, but when its recorded you can still see all the awkward pauses she takes, when people speak it throws her off, how she describes challenges as they are happening and how she poses her questions usually looked very forced and unnatural...

but who am i kidding i love it all! check out the preview here...

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