Sunday, August 29, 2010

summer photo dump

sooooo this last break in between posts was not quite intentional...we moved at the beginning of august and are still without Internet at the casa. its been a little ridiculous and i just haven't made the time to sit somewhere and blog... but i promise it won't happen for quite as long again :)

here is a summary of what has been going on this summer....lots of greatness

many nights cooking out with the family. the moment it get to be remotely warm, is the moment my dad wants to grill out

she likes her steak

a few summer concerts of our friends....

friends (note this was the day before we found out we were expecting :) )


puerto rico

this is also the beginning of which my clothes started to fit less and you may see a repeat of the same shorts in many pics...i was not interested in purchasing anything maternity until i was at 5 months (which is now)

visiting the sister in austin

its been such a wonderful time...i have more to share but that will come soon, promise!